Games for Cities

Wise Democracy Pattern Language Game (2018)


Developed by:


  • sustainability,
  • designing,
  • decisionmaking

This is a physical game designed to encourage dialogue and collaboration among community members within the context of civic decision-making.

Players collaborate to identify patterns and best practices for effective decision-making and apply them to real-world scenarios.

This Wise Democracy Pattern Language highlights dynamic factors and design principles which can make an activity, organization or community more wisely self-governing. Based on hundreds of real-life innovations, this evolving database of wise democracy “patterns” helps us understand, re-imagine and transform the ways we manage our shared world.

Learn more about Wise Democracy Pattern Language Game

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Developed by:


  • sustainability,
  • designing,
  • decisionmaking

This is a physical game designed to encourage dialogue and collaboration among community members within the context of civic decision-making.

Players collaborate to identify patterns and best practices for effective decision-making and apply them to real-world scenarios.

This Wise Democracy Pattern Language highlights dynamic factors and design principles which can make an activity, organization or community more wisely self-governing. Based on hundreds of real-life innovations, this evolving database of wise democracy “patterns” helps us understand, re-imagine and transform the ways we manage our shared world.